maker: Liberty Puzzles

Robert Burns’ The Hunt from Liberty
Hoefnagel sent me an amazing pack, with this puzzle from Liberty, and “Happily Ever Aftering” from Elms. This puzzle features “Diana and Her Nymphs” by Robert Burns (the painter, 1869-1941, not the poet of the same name, 1759-1796). “Diana and Her Nymphs” is a circa 1926 mural painted at the Crawford’s tearoom in Edinburgh. Lots […]

Voyage Round the World, A. Schindeler
Liberty Puzzles, “Voyage Round the World“, graphic by A. Schindeler, poster for the Compagnie Generale Transatlantique, c. 1896. 502 pieces, 12.75×17.75”, released April 2012.

Liberty, Dry Martini by Yulia Drobova
A fun Liberty graphic art puzzle, “Dry Martini“, via Hoefnagel. I thought it might be a little difficult, with large areas of dark color, but the background actually has dark red blobs, on black, so the large swath is broken up quite a bit. I still ended up with a pile of dark colored pieces, […]

Sarah Gentry, Mel’s Belles, Liberty
I really enjoyed “Mel’s Belles” (who’s Mel, I wonder?) by Sarah Gentry, a Liberty puzzle of a bouquet of flowers, which came in a Hoefnagel pack along with the Rex Ray “Alistair” puzzle. I requested the pack because of Rex Ray, but ended up enoying the Sarah Gentry puzzle even more! Maybe I was just […]

Rex Ray’s “Alistair”, from Liberty
2/19: Finished! Super landscape! 1:2.5 ratio or so. Also, lots of Liberty-style human figural dancers, and musicians. Liberty: 2/17: Under way! “Alistair” by Rex Ray, Liberty Puzzles, about 550 pieces, via Hoefnagel. I love Rex Ray, so I was excited to request this puzzle from Hoefnagel, but now (having just started), I am feeling daunted!

finally finished! Some Things Are Scary by Liberty Puzzles
This Edward Gorey “Some Things Are Scary” image is one of my favorite images, so I was excited to get it as a Liberty Puzzle. So hard! Why was it so hard? My puzzle accomplice thinks it may be due to pieces having a similar pattern even when they had different, yet similar, shapes. Also, […]

Fall Bloom by Chris Huang, Liberty
Fall Bloom by Chris Huang, from Liberty Puzzles. A relatively quick and easy solve. I liked the variety of patterns in the art, and the Liberty-style whimsies, both single-piece and multi-piece. I really liked how all the arachnid whimsies were in the soil …. On the art … are all these trees with their roots […]

Darcie Reflected by Daria Hlazatova (Liberty)
“Darcie Reflected”, image by Daria Hlazatova, puzzle by Liberty — big puzzle! 607 pieces, 19×12.75″. This was from Hoefnagel …. Boy, this puzzle really kicked my ass. Red, and black, and lots of eyes … and mirrored (not exactly) left to right. Lots of fun whimsies — various human figurals, bats, snakes, and of course […]

Tannenwald by Klimt, by Liberty
Beautiful image by Klimt, and a fast & fun puzzle by Liberty. Weirdly, the whimsies in this cut were western-style figures … not tailored to this image. Still, a nice fast puzzle for me and Ash.

A Bevy of Wild West Women
A fun puzzle, with fun whimsies. Liberty Puzzles: 17.25 x 11.75″ … 477 pieces … “Classic Buffalo Bill show poster. Image courtesy The Buffalo Bill Museum and Grave, celebrating 100 years since the death of Buffalo Bill in 1917.” (Very nice to give an image credit, but I hope they weren’t compelled to license, since […]

How the West Was One by Chris Huang
Liberty Puzzles, 510 pieces. I really enjoyed this one – nice image, pleasantly occupying with mixes and repeats of textures and colors. Lots of fun whimsies, and a bunch of really nice multi-piece whimsies. I especially loved the buffalo (inside the buffalo, and well-colored, too!) and the woman playing guitar ….

Great Horned Owl Round by Sue Coccia
A Liberty Puzzles extra small puzzle, 91 pieces; quick fun colorful puzzle for me and Ash.