Street Art, Zen Puzzles

Ash and I really enjoyed this small-ish puzzle from Zen Puzzles, “Street Art“, in the 125-piece size. I’m actually not sure what animal it is — a dog? with the tongue — a lion? — but it’s so colorful and cool that it was a pleasure to look at it. Two of the whimsies seem graffiti related — a graffiti artist and I think a spray can — but the robot & flying saucer seem kind of random. The animal in the middle is a bear I think? but of all the possible animals this mural could be, I’m not sure “bear” is it.

Gosh, I wish I could credit an artist! Or a photographer! Or give a location for the work! Sigh. Zen Puzzles was also unclear on the type of animal:

With its brilliant colors and eye-catching design, this street art seems to change the more you study it. Is it a dog, a bear, a lion? Charming design elements in this puzzle include figural pieces of spray paint, brushes, a bear, and more. The brick texture and tints of color give this puzzle a moderate to challenging difficulty level. This bold image is perfect for anyone who enjoys art and colorful puzzle

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