CraftHub owl

Another CraftHub puzzle, this one an owl, which we all enjoyed!
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Par Puzzle, Starbucks

Ash and I started this one (April 21), but didn’t have quite enough time to finish! We were so close — just a lot of little white pieces to assemble. Finished it today, April 24. With a lot of help from Pablo! Par Puzzles, a special “Starbucks” themed puzzle, available in New York from Starbucks, […]
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Elektik Beat Blocks

Via Hoefnagel, an acrylic puzzle from Elektik.
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BCB, Hat Shoppe snuggle puzzle

Boy, I am terrible at these puzzles where you just snuggle a bunch of pieces together, and they sort of ambiguously fit together, in the subtlest of ways …. Hoefnagel sent me a pack with the Chris Yates puzzle and this BCB “Hat Shoppe” puzzle. I was able to (correctly) assemble quite a few sets […]
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Chris Yates, Remote Archipelago

Courtesy of a Hoefnagel pack, a little wooden semi-representational puzzle of islands by Chris Yates. Hoefnagel says: 61 pieces, hand-cut, there is no picture on the box, but we can tell you this little puzzle was inspired by the idea of a remote archipelago, and the puzzle does not have a printed image, rather the […]
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CobbPodgery, WPA poster

Courtesy of the Hoefnagle wooden puzzle club, a hand-cut puzzle from CobbPodgery (E. Cobb) — the WPA poster, “Let Them Grow”. A thinnish wood, and I was a little worried that the four-color graphic with lots of blocks of color would be hard — but the puzzle cut made it steady work, and there was […]
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BCB, Steele Briggs Seed Catalog

Hoefnagel Puzzle Club, BCB.
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Bumfuzzled 4, Wiggler Concavity

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Special Delivery by Manami Lingerfelt (Nautilus)

Ash and I enjoyed this owl puzzle by Manami Lingerfelt, from Nautilus: “Special Delivery“: This beautiful owl wooden puzzle looks like a typical barn owl; the artist has our owl carrying a small satchel and a book between her toes. She’s decorated in flowers and is seen soaring through a swirly night sky. Where is she […]
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Miyazaki translucent puzzle

We enjoyed the snap-clickiness of this little Miyazaki art puzzle.
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