Month: July 2023

Herding Cats
“Herding Cats”, a fun (cat-themed, obviously) shaped puzzle, with whimsies, from Nervous System. Art work by Anne Sullivan. Michele assembled quite a lot of this one at home (June 30) … then we did it with Ash, and Ash’s nimble and rapid fingers whipped through most of it really quickly, with some non-negligible participation by […]

Mr Gogo Fractal
My second Mr. Gogo; this one, a really difficult visual challenge with limited colors in a fractal (highly repetitive) design. Fun puzzling — but I don’t think this kind of image is my bag. On the other hand, Michele found it extremely arresting, and described it as perhaps the most exciting image they’ve seen in […]

Mr Gogo 5 layer flower mandala
My first Mr. Gogo, courtesy of the Hoefnagel Puzzle Club, a 5-layer flower mandala, labeled as a “teaser”. It was a beautiful image, repeated in 5 layers, with a clever two-layer stacked piece connecting each layer. More challenging than I thought it would be, due to the repeating images on the different layers, but I […]

Ochiai Rofu, “Kyoto Four Scenes”
Thanks to the Hoefnagel Club, I got this challenging quadriptych (I had to look that up) of “Kyoto Four Scenes“, from Artifact Puzzles (Ecru line). Puzzling: The individual puzzles hang together pretty well once assembled, but until all the pieces are in, there’s lots of slipping and sliding and holding together. The colors are distinguishable, […]

Soaring to New Heights – Stave
My first Stave! courtesy of the Hoefnagle Club. “Soaring to New Heights” (2023, 145 pieces, 4 swords Teaser). Well, Stave lives up to their reputation. Really challenging! I used a reference image of the solved puzzle to help me out whenever I was super stuck. The reference images … were not perfect matches with my […]

Peking Dragon
A Nautilus puzzle, “Peking Dragon“, 150 pieces, that Ash and I did on July 7 in something under 45 minutes …

The Skyline Was Beautiful on Fire
Finished Stumpcraft puzzle “The Skyline Was Beautiful on Fire” by Steve Driscoll. Fun and requiring a reasonable amount of attention to detail of color and shape. The picture online has more brilliant colors / contrasts than the printed puzzle, and two pieces had tiny wood dings, which made me sad. Otherwise, quite enjoyable, and wholly […]

Bumfuzzled 3 – 34 Keys
I really enjoyed the key theme. And, like the other Bumfuzzled, the puzzle was a bit more challenging than it looked like it was going to be — not really hard, but a fun way to focus attention. (Including the different shades of wood.) Minor critiques! The little drop-outs had not always been disconnected fully […]