maker: Stave Puzzles

Stave, Purrsian Rug
Beautiful cat and Persian rug puzzle from Stave, via Hoefnagel — “Purrsian Rug” (art by Candy Thun), 100-piece trick puzzle. Not the typical puzzle — you can’t solve from the image, because there are multiple identical connectors, and if you assemble to make a continuous image, you can’t assemble the pieces into a single continuous […]

Stave, A Lasting Impression
In a recent pack from Hoefnagel, I had two fun hand-cut puzzles — one from Carol Ottenberg (aka Ledgewood Puzzles), and this one from Stave. Both were delightful. It was a fun & thematically connected pack, because Carol’s puzzle was a Monet image, and this one was … inspired by? depicting? well, at least referencing […]

Branching Out, Stave
I haven’t fallen in love with Stave “teasers” — puzzles where you assemble a frame, then snuggle various whimsical shapes into place. But I really liked this one! There was lots of significant puzzling in assembling the “frame”, which was really its own shape — a tree — with various little holes where creatures were […]

Stave, Edith Bingham Give Me a Buzz
This Stave puzzle, via Hoefnagel, was a lot of fun — and not too hard for me, either, which was good. I appreciated the ways that many of the bees had definitive homes, and only had to fiddle with some of them. Also, the way that the bees’ wings made a little flower on the […]

Soaring to New Heights – Stave
My first Stave! courtesy of the Hoefnagle Club. “Soaring to New Heights” (2023, 145 pieces, 4 swords Teaser). Well, Stave lives up to their reputation. Really challenging! I used a reference image of the solved puzzle to help me out whenever I was super stuck. The reference images … were not perfect matches with my […]