In a recent pack from Hoefnagel, I had two fun hand-cut puzzles — one from Carol Ottenberg (aka Ledgewood Puzzles), and this one from Stave. Both were delightful. It was a fun & thematically connected pack, because Carol’s puzzle was a Monet image, and this one was … inspired by? depicting? well, at least referencing Monet. Per Stave:
No need for messy paints! Create a masterpiece that would make Monet, himself, envious. It is sure to leave you with a lasting impression of beauty. 90 pieces, 10.25″x7.5″ … “A treat puzzle” rated 4 of 4, “Time to monitor your heart rate.”
This one was what I think of as a Stave-style illustration (the artist is Susan Greenleaf), but the “snuggle pieces” were overall more snuggly than in a teaser puzzle. I also loved how the different sections had different style cuts! The tree / shrub at the top left had coniferous type cuts. The water & lily pads had fluid, roundish cuts. And so on. Great fun! (Note — there was a repair / replacement piece — very much a “one of these things is not like the other” stand-out.)