A 250-piece puzzle from Victory in England, a vintage puzzle of swimmers / divers from a train company’s travel poster, “Butlin’s Clacton-on-Sea“. (Which, according to Wikipedia, was a holiday camp operating from 1938-1983.) This is probably a public domain image; it is available here and listed as from 1938 — the Clacton-on-Sea resort’s opening year. (update: I finally noticed the artist’s credit — Joseph Greenup, 1891-1946. More info about Greenup at mutualart.com.)
The Victory puzzles I did before were much thinner, and Victory has shifted some or all their puzzles to a much thicker size that I like better. And, they still have a lot of etched whimsies. The color print seemed a lot darker & muddier than the image on the box, although it doesn’t look nearly as dark in my photo below, as it looked to me trying to solve it …