Courtesy of Hoefnagel, a puzzle from Mr. Bob (“Burano, Italy”) with photography by Australian photographer Garry Schlatter — I finished it Friday July 26, but one piece is missing! Agh. Will keep looking ….
Update: Whew! It turns out the piece was taped to the inside of the shipping box — I guess it was left out and the previous puzzler found it after the box was already closed ….
Thick, large pieces; whimsies surrounded by more “traditional” cut pieces. A lot of chess-themed whimsies — I didn’t capture them all — and Mr. Bob spelled out in whimsies, too. 651 pieces.
The image from the box does not look very photographic but the puzzle itself looks more photographic. (I’ve rarely seen paintings that include multiple radio & cell signal towers marring the sky ….) Was Mr. Schlatter standing on a boat to get this shot?