Day: January 22, 2024

Fox Smart Box, Miranda
“Miranda” by John William Waterhouse (1916), 206-piece version by Fox Smart Box — cut designer not credited. My first FoxSmartBox and I enjoyed it. I particularly liked several of the whimsies (the seahorse and crabs! squid & octopus! adorable little starfish! so cute) and the fish-tail joiner that was pretty common. It assembled so quickly […]

Bumfuzzled 1 Enigmatic Gewgaw
A nice fast solve, at the end of a long hard day. I guess the peices with the little “x” are supposed to be drop-outs and puzzle pieces to re-insert? Note: My puzzle arrived with a little stain or scorchmark – that is not a result of me being sloppy! I find the coloring on […]