Victory Puzzles: “San Francisco via TWA” vintage poster.
Okay, this was my first Victory puzzle. The pieces were thinner than with other wooden puzzles I have done (Artifact, Liberty, Bewilderness, Stumpcraft, Nautilus…) — and the thinness made me feel a bit more they were game pieces, maybe, which was kind of fun. The puzzle had a strip cut, with a number of whimsies. The whimsies had etchings, to make them individual wood sculptures, and there was some color-line cutting, as well. I really liked the cut-style, which felt very mid-century, and which I have not seen before. (Is it a standard for Victory? Or unique to this puzzle? I’ll have to do more Victories to find out!) One downside to this puzzle style — the tiny little pieces are a bit fragile. Overall, this was a really relaxing, not difficult puzzle.
I really liked that Victory included a little cardboard puzzle box holder! Huzzah for the cardboard puzzle box holder display!
Also, this was my first puzzle from the Hoefnagel Puzzle Club! Which will hopefully keep me from bankrupting us, and filling up entire rooms with wooden puzzles while I do it ….

No tags for this post.“250 wooden pieces / 360x250x5mm (approx. 14x10x0.25″) / 20+ Whimsies. Artist: David Klein commissioned for TWA c. 1950s. Cut Design: Aidan Knowles, 2022. This delightful travel poster puzzle contains over 20 whimsy pieces, many of them multipart! Unique connectors including our signature V, plus fog style knobs will enhance your puzzling experience! Aidan, our puzzle designer, was keen to create this one as he had recently graduated from California College of the Arts in San Francisco and all of us here at Victory have either lived in or visited this amazing city.”
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