maker: Puzzle Bomb Puzzles

Bumfuzzled 1 Enigmatic Gewgaw
A nice fast solve, at the end of a long hard day. I guess the peices with the little “x” are supposed to be drop-outs and puzzle pieces to re-insert? Note: My puzzle arrived with a little stain or scorchmark – that is not a result of me being sloppy! I find the coloring on […]

Bumfuzzled 3 – 34 Keys
I really enjoyed the key theme. And, like the other Bumfuzzled, the puzzle was a bit more challenging than it looked like it was going to be — not really hard, but a fun way to focus attention. (Including the different shades of wood.) Minor critiques! The little drop-outs had not always been disconnected fully […]

Greenwood Burg Bumfuzzled 2
Enjoyed the colors and patterns of Bumfuzzled #2, “Greenwood Burg”. Michele really got into it, too.