Artifact Puzzles Abu al-Hasan Squirrels

From Artifact Puzzles, via Hoefnagel, public domain art by Abu al-Hasan (1589-1630) or possibly Ustad Mansur. Squirrels in a plane tree by Abu al-Hasan (1589 – c. 1630) , Mughal India. Ash and I liked this one – the geometric shape to the “square” pieces, the whimsies, the border …. Artifact says: Here is a […]
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CraftHub Parrot

Another little CraftHub puzzle, one of the last of a batch. Exceedingly push-fitty. A family affair – Laura, Ash, Michele.
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Woodbests Puzzles Yin Yang

A beautiful black and white yin-yang, from Woodbests Puzzles, a laser cutter I was not familiar with; the puzzle was part of a pack from Hoefnagel. Honestly kind of labor intensive, but I really enjoyed the martial artist whimsies. Ash and I started it, then I wrapped it up.
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