Hand-cutter from Etsy, AtoGMusic. It seems like they are mostly selling vintage sheet music, but they do some hand-cutting of wooden puzzles, too! They describe that these are actual sheet music covers, so first sale doctrine!
It’s a thin plywood, and there was some sawdust from the cut. The cut felt very similar to a traditional cardboard puzzle, but I appreciated that there was some 70’s era grooviness to the cuts (see the middle piece) which matched this particular illustration.
This is a 1914-era composition (you can download it from the University of Maine, which is an unusual use of an institutional repository) — but look at this image, and the font — this must be a 1970s-era printing of this (even then) public domain composition. So I’m tagging it “first sale” rather than “public domain art”. (-: (Also, I regretted reading the lyrics, which are super stalky creepy.)
I’d love to figure out the artist. What is all that stuff on the bottom right?