Loved this puzzle — so satisfying. The subject was lovely and right up my alley (and called to me after doing the National Parks puzzle). The puzzle design was also extraordinarily pleasing. The intricate curvey pieces that could often be recognized only by a little divot or odd corner …. The whimsies, of course — I was surprisingly delighted by the super plain lifejacket, which is not a common kind of subject for a whimsy. The repeating tree themes and the leaf. The oddly cherubic swimming child. Something that wasn’t listed as a whimsy, but reminds me of a beaver (in the water) …. The placement of the whimsies in relation to the art — with the cliff diver standing on a rock, and the swimmers in the water, and the hot air balloon & helium-lifted house in the air … arrows pointed upwards, which makes sense … the water pieces satisfyingly curvey, like water; the air pieces even more curvey, and also puffy like clouds.
It was so satisfying that as I completed sections or made new discoveries, I felt compelled to document my progress, resulting in many more photos than usual!
“25-Year Journey” by Janet MacKay, puzzle design by Jasen Robillard, from Stumpcraft Puzzles
whimsy list & “deep dive” at Stumpcraft puzzles
Artist: Janet K. MacKay
Dimensions: 27.5 cm x 27.5 cm
Piece Count: 258
Puzzle Designer: Jasen Robillard