Category: Uncategorized

  • catawba rosebay azaleas

    Our stunning purple catawba rosebay azaleas are in full bloom! The bees are very happy with the azaleas, and the non-native Japonica.

  • dehumidifier in basement

    Added as part of sump pump system (2011?) … replaced in 2022. 11/23 wed – DryZone Basement Systems. Approximately $2000. Maintenance on sump pumps and replaced basement dehumidifier (Sanidry) with Sanidry Sedona … uses less electricity, smaller body, shifted to the pingpong side. approximately $2k

  • shower door handles

    The … aluminum? shower door handle broke. Replacing it was more of an ordeal than one might imagine, because the screw attaching it was so deeply rusted that one couldn’t take it out.

  • lightning-struck red oak taken down

    June – July – August — yardwork 2020