maker: Kathryn Flocken

Vladstudio Paris Map, Artifact
Really fun map puzzle – greatly enjoyed the border cut (the fleur-de-lis on the four corners, and the variable patterned border on the sides). I also liked the generally swirly nature of the pieces. Not a lot of whimsies, but I enjoyed the two-piece Toulouse-Lautrec style cat — I was puzzled by the bottom part […]

Outsider Insider
Artifact Puzzles “Outsider Insider” by Patricio Betteo. 409 pieces, puzzle design by Jim Muller and Kathryn Flocken. Hoefnagel! Really colorful and fun. Harder than I would have thought, due to the geometric cuts and the geometric lines, or maybe due to covid brain. Anyway, fun!

Nadiezda “Night Ship”
Artifact Puzzles: Nadiezda’s “Night Ship” Ash and I did this one today, finishing it up after starting it last week. Lots of beautiful whimsies! This is a 283 piece wooden jigsaw puzzle of a gorgeous image by Mexican artist Nadiezda. The puzzle design is by Kathryn Flocken, and includes numerous sea whimsy pieces with shapes […]